how to?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2011
Erie, PA
I use the android app to view the forums but i can't reply to postings or create new one. Is there a way to log in using the app
I have droid 2 if anyone was wondering.
No. I don't have it. I only have four choices at the bottom
Forum current online and settings
I had this problem, so I just went to look again and I found the login button. When viewing a forum listing I hit the menu button and a bunch of options popped up, one of them being to log in.

So hit your button that shows the app options

Samsung Vibrant Galaxy S phone
Duh! Thanks. I was trying the menu button but while viewing posts instead of the main screen.

Sent from my DROID2 using Aquarium
No problem, glad to help. Also I figured I'd use this space for a test post as the first post from my phone.. So here it is!
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