Slight problem updating profile...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 22, 2005
Southern California, USA
I noticed the birthdate is off (It's the 23 not 22). I changed this along with some other stuff while updating and for some odd reason only the birthdate is not updating. It wanes back to the 22. So far...everything else I've updated has taken.

Any idea about this bizarre situation?

Thanks :)
Update to problems with updating profile

I figured out the problem (didn't take long). I tried something. I selected the 24 and it updated to the 23. I think the numbers in a code somewhere may be off by a number.

BTW...I didn't see any edit button and when I tried to post the update as a reply it told me to use I made it a new topic...
This thread explains how to fix your birthdate issue.

The other "problem" you were having is because a regular member cannot make posts right behind the other in the same thread. This is not a bug, it is by design.
Editing is likly not enabled on this particular forum as we dont want people saying one thing and then comming back later and changing it. Some forums have edit disabled for that very reason.
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