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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum reacted to lukex's post in the thread Greetings from Greece!! with Like Like.
    Greetings from Greece!! I am new to this forum and consider myself a newbie at this hobby. I had a 60 lt aquarium back in 1997 for two...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Greetings from Greece!!.
    Welcome to the community. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about what you are getting up to.
  • Aiken Drum
    If the fish is being bullied, she should be isolated into another tank or add a divider in the main tank with her alone. White poo is...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Snail Eggs?.
    They dont look like any kind of snail eggs im familiar with. What kind of snails do you have? What fish do you keep?
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Pleco food with Like Like.
    Unfortunately, Plecostomus are like ammonia producing machines due to how much they eat and how much they poo. It makes little sense to...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum reacted to Airborne 82nd's post in the thread Pleco food with Like Like.
    Mine loves fluval Bug Bites even the med. to lg. are on the small side. Also fresh vegies raw or boiled shrimp. I just got this neat...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Green Water and Dying Fish with Like Like.
    It's highly unlikely that you have low nitrates and high algae as the algae needs to have the nitrates to exist. Get accurate chemistry...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    Yeah. You dont want aquariums anywhere near a window. Opposite side of the room. To give you an idea on how light falls off the father...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    Yes. Distilled water will soften tap water if mixed with tap water. If its just used on its own you will be swapping very hard water for...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum reacted to bulatz's post in the thread plants not growing or dying with Like Like.
    OK I'll try the cuttlefish and I'll call around for a reliable water test, I did test co2 and it says it's low but since my plants are...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    Distilled water is bad for aquariums on its own. It doesnt contain any of the minerals etc necessary for a healthy aquarium. It has zero...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    You know your water chemistry better than me. Are you remineralising your distilled water when you do a water change? Why are you...
  • Aiken Drum
    Like i said, go through the sticky and answer all the questions as thouroughly as possible. Those test strips dont test for ammonia...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    The water change will probably help. As far as im aware the chemical reactions that algaecides go through deplete the water of oxygen...
  • Aiken Drum
    Aiken Drum replied to the thread Green Water and Dying Fish.
    Just do a quick Google search on "algaefix killed my fish". Its a common issue.
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