Recent content by Allivymar

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Plants


  2. Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

    Characins (tetras/pacu/pirhana)

  3. Inverts


  4. Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

    Labyrinth fish (Bettas/Gouramis)

  5. Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

    Bottom feeders (plecos/cats/loaches)

  6. Cichlids


  7. A

    A Blast From the Past!

    Oi! How did I max out my upload quota when I haven't uploaded anything in a year? Too funny! For those interested, you can check out my lil man here:
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    A Blast From the Past!

    Howdy campers :) Yep, tis me! I know I haven't been on in AGES, but I have a good reason; he's now 3 months old and adorable. My pregnancy was hell; I had one complication after another, and in the midst of everything moved as well! But all is well with the world now, and I had a few minutes...
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    Wart on Oscar?

    Hiya covergerl: I'll answer in here in case this helps anyone else with the same issues. First things first; whats the water parameters? What have you done so far to treat it? I've a couple of thoughts, but am gonna need more info: There's a chance its a simple bacterial infection; a round...
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    AngleFish adding?

    Figure angels need around 10g each. Keep in mind they're cichlids and are territorial, especially around breeding age (about 10 months and beyond, although some breed earlier). All angelfish strains are the same, so technically they all top out at the same size, but water husbandry and diet play...
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    Do you qt shrimp?

    Its always a good idea to QT anything live thats going into an established tank. That being said, I never QT shrimp LOL I do make sure I am VERY careful about not getting any of the lfs tank water, or anything thats touched it, into my tanks. Never know what might have hitched a ride. I...
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    Moving (rant)

    LOL It may be stressful, but it sounds like you have things well in hand. Good luck girl! Looking forward to when you're all settled and back on here :)
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    Finally got some pics up.

    Yay!! Its about time LOL I love the first angel pic; its fuzzy but its obvious he (she?) wanted you to get his best side LOL and I'm all jealous over the 180 ;P
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    Newbie with inherited aquariums needs help

    The cloudiness is due in part to the imbalance in nitrifying bacteria. Its caused by heterotrophic bacteria, who show up and party sometimes, when theres not enough nitrifying bacteria to compete. Not dangerous in and of itself, just unsightly. The ammonia and nitrite levels ARE dangerous tho...
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    Unexpected Platy fry

    Oooo. You may wind up with even more platys then you already have if any of those fry are male! Be prepared :)
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