Recent content by Alshain

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  1. Other stuff

    Other stuff

    Non fish related pics
  2. Alshain

    Terrace ideas???

    I like that, I may have to try that after I get my frame fixed. One suggestion though, If you take another piece of that acrylic and make it twice as high with a smaller radius and place in on the inside of one of the other pieces, then after you added the substrate you will have a cascading...
  3. Alshain

    All my fish died :(

    Yeah 100 degrees would do it. If it's any consolation, it is actually more likely they died of Oxygen deprivation long before the tank got that hot, which is probably less painful than being boiled alive. Sorry you had so much trouble, the Visitherms are usually pretty reliable. I don't know...
  4. Alshain

    fish ID in question

    In my experience, Albino and Peppered are closer to 2" and Emerald & Green are 3". I was aware that they weren't really considered cories but I guess I always have considered them to be anyway.
  5. Alshain

    cory tank

    Yeah, I really don't recommends Breeders because they end up costing you a lot in tank stands. Long tanks are usually longer than the standard but made to fit the next size or two up in length. Even small breeder tanks need huge stands. For example, a 33 Long or 40 Long fits on typical 55...
  6. Alshain

    Terrace ideas???

    Yes, slate does not effect hardness which is why it is so popular in the aquarium trade. There are many types that will not effect the water but they can be tricky to tell apart. Depending on the fish, you may WANT to alter the water. This is where Texas Holey Rock and other such rocks help...
  7. Alshain

    fish ID in question

    Yep, Dwarf cories are about an inch smaller. Cory Examples Green Cory Emerald Cory Bronze Cory Dwarf Cory Examples Albino Cory Peppered Cory Panda Cory
  8. Alshain

    cory tank

    Be careful how you use the letter "L" we have people from all over the world here and 20 Liters is definitely not enough :silly: Heh, seriously. It depends on the species. I would think a 20 Long would be enough for the 2" cory varieties. For the larger varieties a 33 Long or 30 Breeder would...
  9. Alshain

    Endlers temp tolerance

    Endlers should be cared for just like guppies. Guppies are very sturdy fish, a guppy is tolerant of about 65 - 86 degrees. Your danios and barbs are about the same. Cories are usually less tolerant than guppies, your tetras are about the same as cories. About 72 to 86 degrees. All of the fish...
  10. Alshain

    Hi Im New here and wanted you guys to check out this video

    Most insect larvae become quick snacks in a stocked tank. Should be nothing to worry about. Just for due diligence though, How often do you perform water changes? Do you know the parameters of your water? (Amonnia, Nitratites, Nitrates, PH, Temp) The tank is 10 gallons, how many fish and what...
  11. Alshain

    did I kill off my good bacteria ??

    No, medications shouldn't kill the bacteria but certain ones (usually containing copper) WILL kill scaleless fish or invertebrates. For medications, you remove the carbon because carbon will remove the medication which you don't want. If this is the stuff, then it appears to be nothing more...
  12. Alshain

    Terrace ideas???

    If you look at my tank (link in signature) I have one terracing idea in that. This design doesn't last a whole long time I've found though. After about a year the glue starts losing cohesion and the round rocks start to slide. I eventually took mine out. If you can get a substantial...
  13. Alshain

    The Highlander

    Yeah, ironically the 20 gallon you gave away would have been about the right size for him. He looks like a Common Goldfish, as for the color, I disagree with Zagz. I have seen adults that color before. There is a picture of one here near the bottom. The one pictured is captioned as a...
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