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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Platy tail problem.
    What kind(s) of Tetras do you have besides the Neons? The injury is more likely to be a Tetra bite than a Guppy bite. The cloudiness of...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Single tiger barb fry.
    (y) (y)
  • Andy Sager
    (y) (y)
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Bacterial Bloom?.
    When ya play with fish long enough, you notice the little things. ;) ;) :thumb:
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Advice external filter.
    (y) (y)
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Single tiger barb fry.
    This is why you need a really good magnifying glass. ;) I've found them to be the most important piece of equipment in all my...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Advice external filter.
    I've not used this brand of filter but did find this video on how to clean ultramax filters: For cleaning inside the tubes, you...
  • Andy Sager
    I'm glad Aiken chimed in because here in the US, we don't have the medication issue you guys have over there. All I can say is that you...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Bacterial Bloom?.
    For starters, you really don't have enough surface agitation for Danios. That's a specie that requires highly oxygenated water. The haze...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Single tiger barb fry.
    Well, if nothing else, you have living proof of both a fertile male and a fertile female in your collection. Congrats. (y) Regarding...
  • Andy Sager
    If I'm correct, Columnaris is an aerobic bacteria while metroplex works for anaerobic and internal bacteria. It's no surprise that they...
  • Andy Sager
    Well that rules out an infected bite. :( Most likely it was a bacterial infection. Columnaris would be my best guess. Catfish as well...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Flowerhorn help.
    It's hard to tell if that's a stringy poo or a parasitic worm because of the lumps in the thing. A white stringy poo can also occur when...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Flowerhorn help.
    Not from that picture. :( You need to get a clearer picture and since it's a dark fish on a dark substrate, add an arrow pointing to...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Sick pea puffer.
    Yes, Dick and I worked together in a pet shop ( Pet Fair) in the mid 1970s. He created Chemi-pure which started Boyd Enterprises. He...
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