Recent content by AnnaKP

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. A

    Hello! I am a complete beginner and nervous about getting my first fish. Advice?

    Thank you for all the advice so far! I will look towards forgetting the "Stability" and instead going through the cycle as you described. I believe a friend of mine has an aquarium, so I will ask her for some of her used filter material and whatnot. Unfortunately I already purchased the test...
  2. A

    Hello! I am a complete beginner and nervous about getting my first fish. Advice?

    I have a 10 Gallon tank. Current setup is a power filter, some fake plants, a small fake cave, overhead light, and a bubbler. It has been running with no fish for two days now, and the PH is at about 7.2. My first worry is that my heater isn't working (It was from when my parents first bought...
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