Recent content by anttonbiocube14

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    Need help on determining anemone situation !

    Thank you very much for the advice
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    Need help on determining anemone situation !

    Some more pics, and how does my tank look?
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    Need help on determining anemone situation !

    And my anemone moved across the tank and looks like it is doing well
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    Need help on determining anemone situation !

    Good afternoon everyone! So I set up my size 14 biocube 3 ½ weeks ago and yesterday I added a red finger gorgonian and a super colored long tentacle anenome
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    Where have they gone?

    No problem but honestly I do not know what could have happened . Try picking it up and if it smells very bad chances are it died.
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    Where have they gone?

    Hello Fern! Do not worry blue damsels are not prone to eating crabs! I have a blue damsel my self and she lives in complete harmony with my 5 blue legged hermits. Your hermit might be hiding under a rock or in some place where he is not visible. The only possibility of it dying is if the other...
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