Recent content by Aryl

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  1. A

    Ick, medicine, and carbon filter- please help!

    Thanks. I've cleaned out the whole tank and boiled the gravel and we got two feeder goldfish to help cycle the tank (which we never did before). Hopefully the result is a tank that will last long term.
  2. A

    Ick, medicine, and carbon filter- please help!

    Unfortunately, our fish passed away this morning. Thanks again for the advice.
  3. A

    Ick, medicine, and carbon filter- please help!

    Thank you so much for the advice and taking the time to reply! I really appreciate it!
  4. A

    Ick, medicine, and carbon filter- please help!

    My daughter recently got a fantail goldfish. It seems to have contracted ick. We were adding aquarium salt to the tank for several days but it doesn't seem to have worked, the more I read it sounds like you need heat as well as salt to kill the ick and we don't have an aquarium heater. Last...
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