Recent content by BASwitzer

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  1. B

    Showpiece fish

    Yeah, I don't think I could manage keeping corys in a large enough group for them to be happy. Besides, my gold barbs generally keep to the lower portions of the tank and do a pretty good job of picking up after themselves. The cherry barbs usually stay just slightly higher in the water. That's...
  2. B

    Showpiece fish

    That's kind of a shame. I had hoped for more variety but I think getting a few more cherry barbs would probably be the best thing. Do you think I should lower the temperature a couple degrees for my barbs?
  3. B

    Showpiece fish

    My cherry barbs really need a group of 5? The people at my local pet shop(privately owned, not a corporate store like petco) said that they're ok with a group of 3. They seem pretty happy as is but I can easily get two more if I should. The aquarium is tall. I wanted a long but I got a really...
  4. B

    Showpiece fish

    Hello all, I'm new to the forums and relatively new to aquariums. I've been doing this for about 6 months now and upgraded from a 10 gallon tank to a 20 gallon tall tank a couple weeks ago. I'm wondering if I have any options in the new tank for adding a showpiece fish or any other fish. The...
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