Recent content by BayouGambit

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. BayouGambit

    Java Moss for sale?

    Hi everyone, I have been looking for Java Moss to make a carpet and was wondering if anyone has a reputable source. I looked online and am not sure if the individuals on eBay or amazon are safe. I'd like about a baseball sized clump. Anyone have a name or site that you have used and trust...
  2. BayouGambit

    Filter options

    Universal sponge Thanks for the reply. Do you mean something like this: Prefilter Foam Square, Large -
  3. BayouGambit

    Filter options

    Hi everyone. I am currently cycling a new 10 gallon tank and had a question about filter media. I have read several accounts where people state that activated charcoal is not needed as part of a filter unless medication is present in the water or it has an odor. My new tank came with an aqueon...
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