Recent content by Benjamin100

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    new goldfish has ich

    So my new fish has ich, and what looks like the early stages of fin rot- it would have been nice if the girl in the pet shop today had noticed/cared. I've stuck a heater in the tank and i'm going to very slowly bring the temperature up. I'm also going to start adding aquarium salt to the tank-...
  2. B

    fishless cycle fail

    yup thats the plan for tomorrow haha
  3. B

    fishless cycle fail

    thanks so much for the quick reply! I think i'm going to go and get a HOB tomorrow, maybe plead for some media while I'm at it and try the prawn cycle- thanks for your help :))
  4. B

    fishless cycle fail

    When I was younger I had several tanks, and was completely oblivious to the nitrogen cycle which was obviously pretty cruel for my fish. I recently decided to get back into the hobby, and bought a little 54 litre/14 gallon tank and thought i'd go with the whole fishless cycle thing. I got the...
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