Recent content by BettaGal

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  1. BettaGal

    treatment verification and advice

    He won't hold still long enough for a decent photo. I'm trying to describe it. There's no white spot. It looks red and sore. The other one is light red or dark pink but the left one is deep like inflammation red but not swollen.
  2. BettaGal

    treatment verification and advice

    My boyfriend and I got a second goldfish and a bigger tank. The new goldfish came with some issues and I wanna make sure I'm handling them the best I can. Our red cap oranda has the body shape of a koi or common goldfish. Also, he has a nice bright red sore in his left gill. His gill plate is...
  3. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    Pudgie isn't my boyfriend's fish. We got her together. She's our fish. I'll see about quarantining the new fish when we get it.
  4. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    Pudgie is a girl. I'm not sure about quarantining the new one. On one hand I can more easily watch for issues, but on the other, if I add them at the same time, there's less chance of one getting territorial.
  5. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    It's not really room. It's more what we can do. I might see if he likes Pudgie in with a red cap oranda. Call me crazy, but those were the goldfish I fell in love with just because they looked like their brains were showing out the top of their head.
  6. BettaGal

    Euthanized gourami

    What are all your parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH? What all are you adding to the tank?
  7. BettaGal

    Fin rot

    Then it's most likely fin rot. Just do daily water changes for a couple weeks and if nothing happens or it looks line it's getting worse then we'll worry about antibiotics.
  8. BettaGal

    Fin rot

    Is the black edging normal for him? Do you notice and discoloration?
  9. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    So a 40 is the recommended minimum. At the pet store nearby that has a huge area of fish (my boyfriend couldn't pull me in another direction - my eyes were like ecstatic) they had a tank with just orandas in it. Would those be good friends? Or something not compatible? I'm just throwing out a...
  10. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    Is a 40 the minimum for two goldfish like ours? I don't wanna cause them problems, but we're limited somewhat on what all we can do. We're looking at Petco's $1/gallon thing they almost always have on and when they don't they're still the cheapest I've seen. We're gonna see what we can do later...
  11. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    I'll see what we're willing to go for. Our jobs and me being in college and us moving has made a lot of things difficult.
  12. BettaGal

    Fin rot

    I would not advise Bettafix either. They are the same thing and work the same way. I personally would be wary of doing that.
  13. BettaGal

    Fin rot

    Melafix is not an antibiotic and isn't betta safe. It messes with their breathing because of the labyrinth organ. Just start with water changes for a week or two. Don't change the filter cartridge.
  14. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    At this moment we're looking at a 20 long with one more fish until they get bigger and then upgrade again.
  15. BettaGal

    goldfish friends

    We want to add one more fish to our lionhead we already have. We could add those systems soon. I just wanna know what kinds of goldfish we could add.
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