Recent content by Bevsie41

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  1. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    Thank you I'm going to look for a club to and get saving for a huge tank.
  2. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July ... I appreciate your advice, your tank looks fantastic. I'm gutted, at the shop I got all my fish from, he is meant to be a marine biologist and that's why I took on board all he said and believed him. I did read...
  3. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July ... a better one of the albino
  4. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    Everything I have, I was told was compatible with each other by my local fish shop. I was told also that my tank is by no means fully stocked either, I'm totally confused now. this is my two gourami's
  5. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    I have come home to fine he had died, just worried in case something up with tank, but tests show zero
  6. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    Oh was the same colour as the other two, just a bit paler. Thanks
  7. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    Be great full for any advice on this, big thanks
  8. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    Been set up 6 months almost, nitrite and ammonia is zero. This one of the three tends to hide a bit from the other two. So far I have in the tank the following: A True Synodontis granulosus catfish x 1 Balloon Ram x 3 Cardinal Tetra x 4 Peal Gourami x 1 Albino Gourami X 1 Red Wagtail x 1...
  9. Bevsie41

    New member: Hi all, I have been keeping a 125 litre tropical tank since July this yea

    I am worried as I have 3 balloon Rams and one has changed colour today? Is this normal as in mating or is it sick? Please see photos of all 3 and on its own too. Big thanks in advance
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