Recent content by bigfish75

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B


    Thanks again to all for the beta, I have plenty to learn. I am not familiar with "chaeto", so I will have to research that.
  2. B


    I have about 75 lbs of LR. Last night I did a very close examination of sump and tank, lo and behold, I have way more copepods than I realized. The sump is well stocked with copepods and I did not know that they circulate from sump to tank via that system, but it makes sense. I think I am good...
  3. B


    I have a 30 gal sump with some live rock frags in it, but not a true fuge. The sump is dark, but I have not looked in it for copepods, but I will tonight. Maybe some in there. If so, I might be able to collect some with baster and transplant.
  4. B


    I have a 125 gal reef tank that is stable (established 6 months ago) I am just now adding a couple of fish and want to include a dragonet. I have very few copepods evident in the system. is there a way to increase the population or perhaps introduce more?
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