Recent content by Biggen

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  1. Polyps and Zoanthids

    Polyps and Zoanthids

  2. Small Polyped Stoney

    Small Polyped Stoney

  3. Members SW Tanks

    Members SW Tanks

    Full tank pics here
  4. Large Polyped Stoney

    Large Polyped Stoney

  5. Clownfish and Damsels

    Clownfish and Damsels

  6. Biggen

    How Much Power?

    Hello, I think I had a old Rio pump (a VERY crappy pump) that pump water INTO my refuge from my sump. My refuge was higher than my sump so that the water simply spilled out of the refuge back into the sump. This is the ideal way to do it so that you don't have to have a pump inside your...
  7. Biggen

    Coral Banded Shrimp

    Crabs are, by nature, aggressive in my opinion. Keeping large crabs (i.e. Sally's) around with a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g that sits on the bottom for extended periods is risky. It's anyone's guess how a Sally would interact with a Peppermint, Blood Red, Cleaner, etc.. but provided the tank is large...
  8. Biggen

    Snail discussion

    Beats me. I'm not really sure that there is any "rhym or reason" to what they do. The just send to move around the tank in a random fashion from what I can tell...
  9. Biggen

    Snail discussion

    The acclimation time for snails has ALWAYS bee debated (well, what else isn't in our hobby??). I actually let the snails acclimate themselves. I simply float the bag they are located in to get them used to the water temp. Then I take them out and let them attach to the glass inside the tank...
  10. Biggen

    Activated carbon

    You can hand feed corals protein foods (meaty foods that you make out of shrimp, fish, etc...), or you can simply feed the fish the same food a couple times a week and the corals will catch the smaller particles of food the fish miss. Do a search on here and you will find many receipes for...
  11. Biggen

    Activated carbon

    Agree with Lando. Phyto is really of NO use to corals. Save it for filter feeders (clams, dusters, etc...)
  12. Biggen

    Big Algae Problem

    Have you fed anything different to the tank lately? Changed foods? Used more frozen foods? etc?? You need to have your PO4 looked at? Take a sample down to the LFS and have them test it for you. Or even better, buy some RO water from the LFS and have that tested BEFORE you add your salt to...
  13. Biggen

    Black sand...

    While I've never used black sand, I have always heard that it typically shows a lot of "junk" on the surface of the sand over time. From what I am told, lightly vacuuming just the top of the sand gets rid of all the debris... Your best bet is to stick with an oolitic sand with a small grain...
  14. Biggen

    Figuring out my pH Problem

    Hey Bear! Saw you ordered the Salifterts. Might want to invest in a PH probe/tester. Can pick them up on eBay for cheap. Much eaiser than figuring out colors on the test card... Remember to get the calibration solution if you do that.
  15. Biggen

    Continual Phosphate Problem

    Glad you got it figured out. Not sure what test kits you are using but if you want the very best, go with Salifert test kits. Most LFS don't stock them (they stock the Aquarium Pharm. garbage kits) so you will probably need to order them online. They are all I use.
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