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  1. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    I was thinking of adding some ghost shrimp and a snail here pretty soon and possibly one or two more fish. Sent from my XT1080 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  2. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    This my tank currently. Is there anything you guys might recommend adding or changing? Sent from my XT1080 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  3. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    Well that's partly relieving and partly disappointing. I know these guys are suitable for even a 10 gallon tank, but I can see your point. I don't feel like my tank is too crowded with decorations/plants, but I'm not sure I would want to add a whole bunch else unless it was more plants. Other...
  4. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    I suppose it could be normal. This is just my first time owning fish and I'm not really sure what to expect. I guess, for now, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and try and keep them as happy as possible. Thanks for the input, I really appreciate it. Sent from my XT1080 using Aquarium Advice...
  5. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    Also, I have been doing 40-50% water changes about every 4 days or so and using API Stress Coat Plus for the conditioner. Not sure if that's the best conditioner to use but I haven't really heard otherwise. I would assume using Seachem Prime would be pointless after the tank has cycled, correct?
  6. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    Thanks for the replies. Been away from the computer for a couple days. trennamw, pH has been about 7.2 with temps at 77 degrees. Currently in the tank are three annubias plants, a store-bought piece of wood, a store-bought rock, a 4 inch bubble stick, and 1.5 inches of light blue small gravel at...
  7. B

    Lethargic fish after cycle

    Hi there. I've been following this site for the past month and a half now since I've started up my first freshwater tank and have gotten a lot of great info from you guys. So I have a 15 gallon with 5 glofish tetras (the ones genetically modified from white skirt tetras). I know this was...
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