Recent content by bluerili

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  1. B

    Need help with green water

    Thank you for your advice, I do appreciate it. Which brand do you have? I am considering a sterilizer, but I'd like to see what other people have to say first. Maybe I can learn something. :thumb:
  2. B

    Need help with green water

    The finnex is the Ray AL-H18DS, 15 Watt, really awesome light. I've had my tank for nearly two years now. I'm adding Flourish Excel (CO2) only when I do a water change once a week. I've backed off adding Flourish (trace minerals), I add about half what I used to. I still use some spring water...
  3. B

    Need help with green water

    I can buy one, but I'd rather see if there's any other changes I could make first, or if I'm making any errors I'm not seeing. I just don't want to add more gadgets to the tank. Is that my only option in your opinion?
  4. B

    Need help with green water

    Hello everyone, I made an account here because I'm very frustrated with a green water problem and could use some advice. I have a 10 gallon fully planted tank. 8 cherry barbs (males), a dwarf hair grass field and a little patch of baby tears. And some rocks. I have an aqueon 10-20 gal filter...
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