Recent content by bob8619

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    Totally lost here

    Cool thanks for the help! I do have another question though, I heard of people just using tap water for 55 gallon FOWLR tanks stating that since its only 55 gallons it doesnt require much for water changes. Bad idea?
  2. B

    Totally lost here

    Oh haha. I guess I'm not alone in my confusion. Ok so with a 55 gallon, if I get a HOB filter rated for 100gallon and a HOB skimmer I should be good to go?
  3. B

    Totally lost here

    No I'm in FL. Lol why? You use the hang on back by itself? No protein skimmer?
  4. B

    Totally lost here

    So if I turn it into a sump and put a skimmer in there, with rock in the display tank, I should be ok?
  5. B

    Totally lost here

    Thanks for the information. I don't want a refugium unless its a must. And unfortunately the internet has me all confused on whats a must because some say do it some say live rock and a protein skimmer is fine.
  6. B

    Totally lost here

    I have searched the internet and found conflicting information/opinions, I have been to the local fish shops and I fear I was possibly being told certain things just in hopes of making a bigger sale. Never had a saltwater aquarium before and I am looking at buying 55 gallon tank soon. I do not...
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