Recent content by boomerlv28

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    Freshwater Skimmer

    thanks thats what i needed to know
  2. B

    Freshwater Skimmer

    I am a Saltwater owner and I am currently in the process of starting a freshwater tank as well, what I would like to know is would I need a skimmer for my freshwater tank ? Ive got an extra one lying around somewhere here and was curious to find out if I should need to use it.
  3. B

    what fish to mix with my picasso

    so would adding a clown picasso work ? also does size matter or just aggressiveness ?
  4. B

    what fish to mix with my picasso

    Ive got a picasso trigger in my 200 gallon tank and would like to know what other fish would be best suited along this guy ? thanks.
  5. B

    What should I do ?

    thank you everyone for all the valuable advice, if you guys are ever in the Philippines let me know and ill take you guys reef diving.
  6. B

    What should I do ?

    Okay Ive released most of my fish back to the wild, what I have now are the damsels (they are hard to catch in a 200 gallon tank considering that they tend to hide between the rocks, parrot wrass, picasso trigger and 2 chromis. Now if I put all these guys into a QT, and run my tank fishless...
  7. B

    What should I do ?

    the clam I have is a giant clam, its about 12 inches wide and and weighs about 10-14 lbs, its pretty big, the hermits hide within the live rocks and no its not illegal to treat salt water fish and release it into the wild over here. I did add them all at one time and i have treated the puffer...
  8. B

    What should I do ?

    My clown Trigger is approximately 10 inches and the average size of my fish are 4" excluding the damsels and Chromis. I caught all of the fish directly from the ocean, buying from the market wouldnt be the ideal thing here since they use cyanide for capturing the fish. should I remove all the...
  9. B

    What should I do ?

    I did a water test and all seems to within the proper parameters, as for the amount of fish i have, I was told a ratio of 1" for every 5 Gallons so that would come out to "40 inches of total fish, thats what i am just following. I collected the water from off shore, in fact I collected the...
  10. B

    What should I do ?

    Hello everyone !!! Im new to registering here but ive been reading this board for a while now. Anyways here is how it goes, I live here in the Philippines, Ive always been a fish fanatic, Ive finally decided to start a setup. My setup consists of a 250 gallon aquarium and a 100 gallon...
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