Recent content by Buddy40

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  1. B

    1st cichlid tank-will these work?

    Well I just have my BGK, all the others I have been looking at. From what I've read, it said all the fish that I want are only aggressive when they are mating. My girlfriend wants the blue ram, and I want the others. I just want a tank that has color and fish that won't beat up my BGK (he is...
  2. B

    1st cichlid tank-will these work?

    I am starting my first cichlid tank and was wondering if I would have problems with these type of fish in it (it is 135 gallon): 1 electric blue ram, 1 fire mouth, 1 red and black blood parrot, and 1 Black ghost knife. It will be planted and have lots of hiding places for them (I was thinking...
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