Recent content by Candy Ice

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  1. Candy Ice

    Treats for fantails

    Yeah. Well, I'm just wondering if I can put like a leaf of Lettuce in there for them to nibble on throughout the day. We will be going home on leave from the military for 2 weeks. So I'm going to have a neighbor come feed them. I don't want them to have just flakes tho. So if they can have...
  2. Candy Ice

    Treats for fantails

    I've been reading up on some things I could feed my fantails, and found that they like to nibble on plants. I've noticed one of them picking at one of the plants in the tank, but sadly, they are all plastic. Was wondering, if I blanched a piece of lettuce or cabbage and stuck it down in there...
  3. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    Yeah. I know I'll have to keep an eye on them. They seem pretty content with their little home for now. Not even all that scared of my son when he's checking them out :) I make sure to check on them 3-4 times a day. Will clean their tank probably twice a week :) Sent from my iPhone using...
  4. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    They will be re homed in a few months. We are moving anywhere between August and October. The small ones are only about an inch long, and the bigger one about an inch and a half Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  5. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    Two of my fantails are miniature and the other is normal size. Does that make any difference? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  6. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    Thank you! I walked to the store and when I got home I checked on them, the water is much clearer than it was earlier. I appreciate the help :) Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  7. Candy Ice

    Sick fish???

    Yeah, I noticed that after I looked at the pictures again. Her colors seemed to darken overnight, but she's bright again. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  8. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    Okay. I had planned on giving them away when we moved in a few months. Probably going to switch to warm water when we do get settled in to our new house. But quick question, just did about a 50% water change and it's still really cloudy. Will that clear up the longer my filter runs? And about...
  9. Candy Ice

    Sick fish???

    Bought fantail goldfish last night. One of them was really clear and pretty colors. Checked on them this morning and the big one is covered in black??? Will try to get pics! when it was bought now. Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  10. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    Tank has a bluish tint because of Ich treatment Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium Advice
  11. Candy Ice

    Fantail in goldfish tank

    So, we got our son a new tank and put our bitty goldfish in it. Well, the poor thing died today. So I went and bought a few things to test and treat the water with. For example, it's been treated with aqua safe dechlorinater and conditioner, and tonight I treated it for Ich and added a pH tablet...
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