
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Hey everyone, I'm a newbie and I can't wait to learn all I can from you all! ^_^

Raising shrimp, art, photography and my dog Jake, who is a full time hobby lol :)
Making the world a better place for animals.
My Tanks
The tanks I am currently keeping are; a 5gal, 2.5gal and a 1gal all freshwater.
In the 5gal are my 4 female Cherry Shrimp, a male Orange Bee Shrimp and a male Vampire Shrimp.
The 2.5 holds a male African Dwarf Frog and a small Oto Catfish. My 1gal has a male white/pearl Halfmoon Betta with blue eyes.
The 1gal tank has a bamboo plant in it, but every other tank is fake plants only for now. Substrate is small gravel in all 3 tanks. I use a sponge filter in the 5gal, with the temp between 75-79.
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