Recent content by cbhiii

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  1. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    I just took another pH reading and it is about 8.2 according to the color chart, so I will relax about that. Thanks! I'm grateful for all of the help I received here. She is swimming a little funny still :fish1:, but none the less moving around. I've read online too that this type of fish is...
  2. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Looks like my nitrates are finally down at 5 ppm. Definitely something more manageable than what I started with. The fish is moving around a bit more, but still resting at times. Maybe that will change as the days go on. In my water tests tonight, I notice my PH was high (well water). I...
  3. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Concerned: I'm not sure if this is an improvement, but my Calico is now swimming more and resting less, BUT it seems to be swimming to the side and more vertical than I've seen. It definitely looks like it should be resting, but it's not. Maybe it's just me, however. Update: It seems that...
  4. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Update: 50% tank changes continue each day. Nitrates dropping. The test is taking longer and longer to darken each time so that is also a measurable sign. Looks like they are between 40-80 ppm now. It's hard to see the orange tint of the solution in the vial.
  5. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Yes, I have. I thought the same thing this afternoon before refilling. There are none from the tap. Appreciate the suggestion!
  6. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Sounds good. Thanks for the direction. I will continue water changes and cut feeding in half. Will update in the next day or so. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
  7. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    I've made the 50% water change and nitrates are still high per the test. Almost no change at 80ppm. How often can I perform a 50% water change to help reduce the nitrates faster? Thanks again for your help!
  8. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Hi. Thank you for the replies. According to my test kit both Ammonia and Nitrites are zero (0). I was simply indicating that both readings were below the first marking on the color card I have in my test kit, with a less than symbol. I will focus on the Nitrates and proceed with another water...
  9. C

    Sick Calico Fantail

    Hi, I've not sought help on the Internet like this before, but I'm not sure where to go next for advice. I have what I believe to be a calico fantail that is stressed (3 days now). It is sitting on the bottom of the tank and coming up (sometimes grabbing air from the top of the tank) or moving...
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