Recent content by Chairman meow

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    Labs breeding!!!!

    Hi my kribs have had babies and are doing a fine job of looking after them. My question is whether to leave them to it because they are in the main tank with catfish rainbows and danios :)
  2. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    No that's really helpful thanks. Unfortunately the gold fish is about 4 inches so he would probably eat neon. Don't suppose he would survive a trip to the states would he? X
  3. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    Cool thankyou, how long before I know whether it has worked? :)
  4. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    Yeah I can do that. Should I put it in with other filters or leave it at bottom of neons tank?
  5. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    I only have one filter pad in with with shaggy the fish but he is extremely healthy and has reached the tender age of seven. I could squeeze his filter into it or put the whole thing in. He spent five years without one 
  6. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    I have had to order a decent test kit online so will have to wait for it to be delivered to this rock. Would it help for me to squeeze the filter from the goldfish tank in cos that guy has been alive for seven years with no problem?
  7. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    Nitrate 10 Water hardness 100 Ph 7.2 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0
  8. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    They are all dead apart from the one sole survivor who continued to swim round oblivious to all the carnage he has witnessed. Why is he alive and the rest die?
  9. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    I have just read it now and it's great. I am going to sleep now and fingers crossed the little neons are still alive in the morning so I can take them back to the shop. I wish the shops would give you proper info though. I am really annoyed because the fish didn't have to die and I would be more...
  10. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    Sorry have just read your comment Eco and you have answered my questions  sorry to make you burn your fingers again :)
  11. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    That's real helpful thankyou, but do I leave the neons in there now. Five of them are asleep but there is one still gasping but occasionally going down into body of water. And if they die how long should I leave it before attempting more fish? Your advice is most helpful as like I said I am a...
  12. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    So do I have to cycle it without fish in it then. And do I have to empty it and start again, with or without the bottled bacteria. And why on earth do shop keepers not tell you all this. I live on the isle of man so we are pretty limited to three fish shops who all say different things.
  13. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    Yes I used safe water. R u in uk cos it's the tetra stuff. They do safe guard which is the bacteria starter as well. And equilibrium which is the salts. I was also given a phosphate remover to stick between the filters
  14. C

    bacterial bloom and high ammonia

    Have started new thread and am using test strips
  15. C

    Help --- new tank, dead fish

    I recently bought a new 120l tank. The man in the shop said fill it up add safe water and bacteria and some salts turn it on, wait 24hrs and add some fish. This I did but out of the five neons all but one died. I then started googling and thought oh no the tank needs to cycle. I did a ten...
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