Recent content by ChiefBigFish

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    What's Wrong With My Texas Blue Cichlid..?

    I have a 90 gallon tank that I filled the first of January. 30 gold fish lived in it for 4 weeks. Then I replaced them with 2 Red Tiger Oscars (3"), 2 Convicts (1.5"), 2 Texas Blues (one 4", one 3"), and a small pleco. The big blue was a real bully at first, chased the smaller blue...
  2. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    The water is pumped from the bottom of the canister, it filters down there from the top. But what purpose do bio noodles serve? The salesman told me that with my 90 gallon tank, with a few ciclids and may a bottom sucker, with this filter rated for as much as a 250 gallon tank. All I would...
  3. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    Forgiving me for asking the most basic of questions, but just what do ceramic bio noodles do? And are they necessary? The guy that sold it to me said that all I would need are these four trays fitted with these pad filters. And a mesh bag of activated carbon in the top tray. The filter is...
  4. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    Yes, foam, although it's rather corse for foam. From the looks of things the intake drops the unfiltered water on the top tray and it filters down through all four, then is pumped back to the tank from the bottom of the canister through a hole in all four trays. The tubing that came with it is...
  5. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    Of the media? I could, but really it's just an inch maybe inch and a half thick piece of light green fiber mesh. They had these pre-cut but the bulk stuff was sold mainly for the small pond supplies they sold. He said it's the same as the pre-cut packaged stuff only way less money. You'd...
  6. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    Thanks a bunch, I'm good with the intake and return plumbing now. Although in the store they had one tube for both. I believe the bottom was the return and mid way up this pipe was and intake port. Is something like this available for my filter? Regarding the filter media, now I'm more...
  7. C

    Canister Filter Set Up ??? - Newbie Needs Help -

    Before yesterday I had never had an Aquarium. I bought a 90 gallon tank and stand an am now trying to get it set up. My question is regarding the filter. The directions are only a couple of poorly translated sentences. I'm sure the store that sold it to me would be glad to help but they'll...
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