
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I am a 61 years old medically retired teacher.

My hobbies include, raising livebearers, gardening, cooking, textile fiber crafts
Santa Rosa, CA
retire teacher
My Tanks
55 gal salt & pepper platies, endlers
36 gal blue wagtail platys, albino plecos
29 gal bleedingheart platys, snakeskin guppies
15 gal fire mosaic guppies, teacup red wagtasil platies
multiple 10 gal various stains of guppies
multiple 5 gal various strains of endlers
multiple 4 gal various strains of guppies and endlers
multiple 18 gal grow out tubs of guppies, endlers, platys
various glass containers of guppies and endlers

I have MTS
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