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  1. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    So I have sexed my platys, I have 2 male black/yellow platy, and a male and female red wag. Will they fight over her? Should I trade one of the males in, or try to keep all females?
  2. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    I will look into that. Thank you. I have seen two babies here and there, but they always seem to be hiding (if they are still alive.)
  3. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    I appreciate your help. If there is only a few babies, I am just going to try my best to keep them alive. Do different types of platys mate? Sent from my SM-G900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  4. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    I was just at petco and they showed me. The mother was dead when I got home :( I've only seen 2 babies. Maybe that's all that there will be. Sent from my SM-G900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  5. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    My platys...the adults Sent from my SM-G900V using Aquarium Advice mobile app
  6. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    Thank you for your help. I think in this case, natural selection may be best. I did not get a pleco, being warned that it would get too big for my tank. Should I keep putting regular food in daily? Or would it be best to do it every other day to promote the natural selection? Can I take my...
  7. C

    HELP! Not prepared for platy babies

    I have a fairly well established 15 gallon take with 4 platy, 2 dojo loaches, a bottom feeder, and a bunch of snails. One of the platys just had babies (I've only seen one, but I can assume more are coming.) I did not know she was pregnant, and am definitely not prepared for this! Plus, a 15...
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