Recent content by CoreySheli

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  1. C

    BROWN growth / I’m a SW newbie

    +1 for the above. It looks like diatoms or maybe cyano. You can vacuum it off pretty easy from the sand usually. If you aren't using RODI water then algae blooms will be common like this one. If you are that far away from a LFS to get RODI water you can easily get a good unit online that will...
  2. C

    BGK + Tiger Barbs + Bristlenose??

    Ah black ghost knife is BGK? I wouldn't recommend that at all, they get absolutely massive
  3. C

    20 gallon blackwater

    A single GBR would be perfectly fine with a school of Pygmy corys and would look great in a blackwater setup
  4. C

    New to a fish tank and got a 20 gallon freshwater. Need advise please.

    How big are you bn plecos right now? At full size I would recommend only having one but if they are small then it should be fine right now. But as mentioned above you're basically doing a fish in cycle so removing one of the bn plecos would be beneficial because they have a high bioload. To help...
  5. C

    BGK + Tiger Barbs + Bristlenose??

    Can you specify what a BGK is? I've never heard of the term. But with the bn plecos and barbs I think those would be fine together.
  6. C

    Planning a 240 litre tank

    240l as in 60 US gallons? Do you have the footprint of the tank? I believe a single tiger oscar would be fine in that tank with minimal decorations, if I'm thinking about the correct tank
  7. C

    Successful Low Maintenance Plants for a Paludarium

    +1 for peace lily. I've heard great things of all of the other plants but never kept them so I can't comment. I started with one peace lily in a 3 gallon bowl with the roots in the water and leaves out of the water. It grew fat really quickly (about 2-3 months) and I had no special lights other...
  8. C

    German blue rams stocking question.

    Can you get clear pics of them? I can try and sex them
  9. C

    Stocking levels

    Yeah cardinals won't "fill in the top". They are more of a mid water fish. You could try want King Fisher suggested and get taller plants, or you can also try floating plants and their root structures would fill up that space.
  10. C

    German blue rams stocking question.

    Could be the least dominant ram and it isn't guarding its territory but that could be the only part of territory it's allowed to be in. I haven't ever experienced rams moving around leaf litter, or heard of it so I'm interested if anyone else has.
  11. C

    Making the jump from fresh to salt: 20-30 g fowlr

    I have mushroom corals, green star polyps, and palys are growing pretty well in a 20 gallon. It's peak par performance is 47 and avg is 26ish. I also just added some zoas. Also keep us updated on the dottyback because I've heard they can be extremely aggressive sometimes. Those clowns are...
  12. C

    German blue rams stocking question.

    This is 20 gallons correct? I wouldn't recommend keeping more than a pair in there. I kept two pairs in a 60 gallon and each pair took up half the tank. Just because you can overcrowd, doesn't mean it is healthy for the fish. Also having that many fish that can get 2-3" is a lot, especially if...
  13. C

    Need help finding fish that stay under an inch

    I would recommend a mantis shrimp as the sole inhabitant. N. wennerae gets around 3", and is extremely hardy. You can feed it anything meaty, even dropping in an occasional crab or some small snails for it to smack down. It's reef safe and a wonderful little critter IMHO. I have one named...
  14. C

    Building a 10g planted betta sorority

    Hey, this is unrelated to plants but I wanted to put in my 2 cents. I strongly recommend not doing a 10g Betta sororities. Betta sororities rarely ever work and a few factors that help it succeed are large numbers of female bettas (overcrowding really helps), a lot of space, heavy heavy...
  15. C

    Final stocking for my 20g long

    If you want gouramis you can do sparkling gouramis. I had an old 20 gallon long with 6 sparkling gouramis, 8 panda corys, and a bn pleco and it is one of my favorite tanks I've ever had, although I know you said you weren't looking into schools
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