Recent content by Dalmen

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  1. Dalmen

    Injured Rainbow Fish?

    It looks like my Rainbow fish has been injured somehow. It looks like its throat has been cut off by something, or is this some kind of decease? I first noticed it about a week ago. It now seems that the fish is not growing as much as its siblings, but otherwise its behaviour seems normal. I...
  2. Dalmen

    Molly with a swollen eye

    Thank you for the advice. I've taken the Molly (only one affected) and put it into a separate 10 litre tank with some aquarium salt. I'll get the medicine today and do what you suggest. Hopefully it will heal soon. I still can't understand how the fish was able to dig itself into the gravel...
  3. Dalmen

    Molly with a swollen eye

    Yesterday I found one of my mollies with its head and almost half of its body sticking vertically into the gravel. It seemed it was having trouble freeing itself from the bottom. I helped it out with a little stick. When it came out I noticed that it has a hugely swollen eye. Now it seems to be...
  4. Dalmen

    Two guppies are dead!

    I used the Interpet testing kit but today I got it tested again with a JBL test kit and the Nitrite was 0.05. I just got a new 300 litre external filter simce last week and I'm running in parallel with the internal filter (Interpet PF3). I'm assuming that's why the Nitrites are not zero. I had...
  5. Dalmen

    Two guppies are dead!

    My aquarium This is my aquarium. Looks very healthy except for the two dead guppies last week.
  6. Dalmen

    Two guppies are dead!

    It's a 29 gallon tank and I have the following "other" fish: 7 guppies 19 mollies (3 males, 6 females, 10 fry of which 6 are still in isolation) 6 Gauramis (2 blue, 2 orange, 2 emperor) 4 Sterba's Cory 1 Yoyo (Pakistani) Loach 1 Suckermouth Pleco 6 Shrimp 3 Assassin snails I will post a few...
  7. Dalmen

    Two guppies are dead!

    When I got home fro Work I noticed that one of my 2 orange coloured guppies was twitching, swimming sideways or resting on the floor. Another of the guppies (different colour) was biting it. The other orange one was looking fine and healthy. I took the sick one (or maybe it was attacked by...
  8. Dalmen

    Breeder Box or Au Naturale?

    I introduced the three bigger ones and they seem to be OK now. It's funny to see them explore cautiously around. Every once in a while the bigger fish will try to poke but them swim fast. They've found a corner where the three are hanging out together but do come out when I put food. Looks...
  9. Dalmen

    Breeder Box or Au Naturale?

    How big shall a Molly fry be before being released back on the tank? I have four fry that I have kept in the breeding net for 4 weeks already. They are almost 3/4". I tried putting a couple back in the tank and immediately the other fish tried to bite. They did swim fast but didn't want to...
  10. Dalmen

    Tiny snail in my tank!!!

    I am a newbie here. Got a tank with fake plants, so I was surprised to see a little snail in my tank. I thought it was cute and useful. However I started to see a lot more. I took out the plants and washed them out. I counted 70 snails from tiny to medium sized and took them all out. The...
  11. Dalmen

    Hello from Oxshott, England

    Hello all. I live in Oxshott, Surrey which is a small town about 30 miles southwest of London. I got my daughter a 29 gallon tank last Christmas and have been adding fish ever since. I started with 5 mollies, then added a few guppies, then some Dwarf Gouramis, a suckermouth catfish, four...
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