
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Dallas, Texas
My Tanks
Currently I have a 54 gallon freshwater corner community, planted aquarium with gravel substrate. Working on setting up a 100 gallon freshwater community aquaruim with live plants.
Current Fish; One Red Eye Tetra, one long fin Albino Bristle Nose Pleco, three Oto catfish, two Mosquito fish, five Neon Tetras, nine Cardinal Tetras, five Roseline Sharks.

Plants; Two Amazon Swords,one Crypt Prava, one Rubin Sword, one unknown sword, one Red Wendtii, one Red Tiger Lotus, Wisteria.

Equipment; One Rena Filstar XP2, one XP4, one 24" Coralife Dual T5 Lamp Fixture 36watts total, one 30" High Output Dual T5 Lamp Fixture 62watts total, all 6700K bulbs, one RGB LED light stripe for evening viewing, one 300 watt Hagen Fluval E Series heater, one 300 watt Aqueon heater, timers for my lights, UPS back up for my filters.
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