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  1. D

    Is this normal for Madagascar Rainbowfish?

    The tail I wasn't worried about, it was the dorsal fin and the side fin up near the gill. The white on the side fin is really pronounced looks like a white spot in the center of the fin when it moves. I'll try to capture a better picture of it tomorrow.
  2. D

    Is this normal for Madagascar Rainbowfish?

    Hi, I just added 6 Madagascar Rainbowfish to the tank this weekend. One in particular has white on its fin and I think I see it on another too. Parameters: Ammonia: 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, Nitrate 10ppm, pH 7.4 KH 4dkh, GH 6 dgh.
  3. D

    Injured Cory

    Thanks, that helps. Although he eats, he doesn't seem very excited when food enters the tank, he goes to it later. His color and shape are normal now though. I'll give him another day or two and see how it goes. He still seems lethargic to me.
  4. D

    Injured Cory

    Hi, We finally got our tank cycled, and we bought 6 Von Rio Tetras and 3 peppered corydoras. They all seemed great going in on Saturday. Sunday morning I get up and find a Cory stick to the filter intake. I get him off with a net and he starts to swim, but looks red and bruised all over his...
  5. D

    Cycling Question

    I think I am finally getting there...
  6. D

    Starting a 75gal tank, want some second opinions

    I'm no expert, so I'll defer... but curious why you couldn't do Bamboo Shrimp with some of the species you mentioned (like some Angelfish, Bristlenose Pleco, Pearl Gouramis, etc)... If I remember correctly Bamboo shrimp get up to 3.5 inches, since they are larger and the fish mouths smaller, I...
  7. D

    Cycling Question

    I just wanted to say that this afternoon I tested and my ammonia was down to 0.25ppm, nitrites still zero and nitrates went up, but not all the way to 40 which is the next color on the chart. I think I am going to just ride this out another week or two and see if it cycles. I don't want to risk...
  8. D

    Cycling Question

    I read about it when I was deciding between a fish in and fishless. I did a fish in cycle many years ago as a late teen/young adult in a 20 gallon, but I would read up on it more fully before actually starting it. ***Edit*** - That post you linked is awesome! Thanks for the great info.
  9. D

    Cycling Question

    easy enough.
  10. D

    Cycling Question

    To answer your question on fish we plan... I am thinking some combination of some (not necessarily all) corydoras, guppies, bristlenose pleco, harlequin rasboras, or maybe a couple apistos or honey gouramis. ***Edit*** - forgot to mention, I have been using Turbo Start 700 throughout this...
  11. D

    Cycling Question

    How would I manage to switch to a fish in cycle if there is already ammonia in the tank that hasn't reduced?
  12. D

    Cycling Question

    Hi All, I am not having any luck on this one. It has been 5 days with no change at all, my tests are exactly the same every day... I am not adding anything to the tank in the last 5 days... Today's readings (same as last several days): Ammonia - 1ppm Nitrites - 0 Nitrates - 20 ppm PH - 7.4 GH -...
  13. D

    Cycling Question

    My tap water is pretty soft too. I'll see how the tests go this weekend when the liquid test kit comes in.
  14. D

    New Here

    Or I need to add something that like guppy fry snacks! Seriously though, I had mollies for a long time and none of the fry ever survived... Probably just me, but I didn't do anything to try and save them either.
  15. D

    New Here

    That's true, which is why I am pretty sure I'll end up with some when the tank is cycled!
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