Recent content by De9346

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. De9346

    3 mo old 75 g tank

    Thank you for your help!
  2. De9346

    Show me your Blue Acara

    8mo ago got my first tank. 29g tiger barbs. Loved it so much after 5mo upgraded to a 75g! I am in the process of slowly stocking. Really want a variety of color. Right now have 5 tiger barbs and 5 emerald barbs. 2 rosey barbs, 2 denisoni barbs, 2 loplo catfish and my favorite an electric blue...
  3. De9346

    Questions about Electric Blue Acara

    8mo ago got my first tank. 29g tiger barbs. Loved it so much after 5mo upgraded to a 75g! I am in the process of slowly stocking. Really want a variety of color. Right now have 5 tiger barbs and 5 emerald barbs. 2 rosey barbs, 2 denisoni barbs, 2 loplo catfish and my favorite an electric blue...
  4. De9346

    3 mo old 75 g tank

    Love my Electric Blue Acara!❤️
  5. De9346

    3 mo old 75 g tank

    8mo ago got my first tank. 29g tiger barbs. Loved it so much after 5mo upgraded to a 75g! I am in the process of slowly stocking. Really want a variety of color. Right now have 5 tiger barbs and 5 emerald barbs. 2 rosey barbs, 2 denisoni barbs, 2 loplo catfish and my favorite an electric blue...
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