Recent content by Deepdiver

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  1. D

    Please help with diagnosis

    Thanks for the info guys... The fish is actually a grouper (marine species) Here in south africa we call this type of grouper a goldie. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Does all of the above still apply to him, i know the info regarding the water changes ect will be different, but is popeye on...
  2. D

    Please help with diagnosis

    Last night i noticed a something growing or rather bulging from my goldies one eye. Since last night it has grown even bigger. I have asked some mates and they seem to think that it is pop eye. Please can someone shed some light on this for me. Most of all is it contages. Do i need to remove...
  3. D

    Little white things

    mmmmmmmmm.... thats exactly what they look like!!! Soooooo.... are they good little dots or bad little dots? If bad how do i get rid of them? Thanx
  4. D

    Little white things

    I am new to saltwater aquariums, my tank has been cycling for 3 weeks now and last night started discovering little white things appearing on my glass. I woke up this morning and there are even more, on the glass and floating around in the water!!! They are absolutley tiny and seem to have 10 or...
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