Recent content by Dinoanthony

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D


    Cleaner will be good for your fish, if they do their job.
  2. D

    Coralline algae

    I use purple tech. I have a feeling it somewhat depends on the type of rock. 2 of my 7 rocks have great coloring now while the other 5 (different kind of rocks) have very little.
  3. D


    You should be good. I added 11 crabs in one day and 4 shrimps and 8 snails the following week. This was after only 3 weeks (although I didn't get much of a cycle as I have 14 lbs of well established LR from the lfs and used live sand as well). I'm on my 6th week and everyone survived (at least...
  4. D

    Biocube 14 - noob help!

    I currently have live sand and will add about 13 lbs of live rock in a couple of days. I've been told and been reading that it would be best too remove the bio balls for a coral (with a fish or 2) setup. Question: in removing the bio balls, do I remove the cartridge filter as well? And do I...
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