Recent content by Dogfish

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  1. D

    Please help me save my two year old angel fish!!!

    I don't get it, my guy looks to have bigger and better fins (Obviously not braggin or anything, they just seem better suited to "swimming and maintaining balance" per say)... He WAS like that, and now his fins are growing back quickly... but why can't my boy keep his balance now, still...
  2. D

    Please help me save my two year old angel fish!!!

    OK, it's been a few days... All his fins continue to make a comback accept for the pecs. Dorsal, anal, ventral and tail are all coming back very well. His pec's aren't even changing a bit... I'm very upset. He still can't keep his balance, he still can't eat, I can tell he's getting weaker...
  3. D

    Please help me save my two year old angel fish!!!

    When you say "bladder infection", is it possible he has something that is making his swim bladder enlarge? It seems like he's a little bloated, and therefore, top heavy (IE: his belly seems swollen, maybe he's got too much air in his bladder???) I don't know, he seems like he's still healthy...
  4. D

    Please help me save my two year old angel fish!!!

    I'm sort of a novice, but have had a 90 gallon tank for two years now with relatively zero problems.... All the sudden, however, my two year old angel fish became infected with something that ate his fins, all of them. I isolated him in a 10 gallon tank and seem to have stopped the infection...
  5. D

    My clown loach will not eat and is dying... help...

    I'm new to this stuff, had my 90 gallon tank for about 6 months... I've had a clown loach for about 6 months and all the sudden his mouth has become lightened in color and he doesn't appear to be able to use it. He won't eat and is getting skinny. He's listless and floats near the top of the...
  6. D

    I'm a bit out of my league....

    I guess I don't really know if it's always been slightly cloudy. As you look through the tank front to back, it's not noticable. If you look through it lengthwise (close to 3.5 feet or so), it appears to be cloudy. I've done one 25% water change (last week) and I thought at the time that the...
  7. D

    I'm a bit out of my league....

    Thanks again everyone. I feel a lot better about it now.... How long does it take a new tank to cycle for the first time? And will this take care of the slightly clouded water, once it's done?
  8. D

    I'm a bit out of my league....

    Thanks a lot for all the advice.... I really appreciate it. I have a few more questions. Is Nitrate and Nitrite the same thing? When you say my tank "has cycled", what does that mean? Are there different stages in a cycle? Is it a good thing for a tank to cycle? Is there anything I need...
  9. D

    I'm a bit out of my league....

    I set up a 90 gallon tank three months ago, and I'm a little out of my league.... I was told to start out with 6 fish and added 6 more every three weeks. Now I have 1 plecostomus, and a handful of gouramis, swordtails, tiger barbs, clown loaches and a couple mollies. I think we have a total...
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