Recent content by Dr. Hoads

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D

    New Tank, looking for some input.

    Thanks Coleallensmom. Do you know if the Honey and the Sparkle would get along? I have some good hiding spots. I have a rock cave and a twisted piece of driftwood. Also have lots of plants. It seems like none of the aquarium store in my are will take fish in, so I can't really return them...
  2. D

    New Tank, looking for some input.

    Hrmm.. I checked the exp. date, but I did not think about it getting frozen in some truck somewhere along the line... They should have some built in detector to tell you the bacteria are still alive or something. So I read the cycle article. Do you think this is ok? Grab a family members...
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    New Tank, looking for some input.

    Ok, it is a 17W Florescent. I thought the Tetra Bacteria was good for cycling the tank. Was it because I did not provide raw materials for the bacteria to eat? ie. chuck in a raw shrimp as it says in the article.
  4. D

    New Tank, looking for some input.

    Washed Gravel and Decorations, added to tank then added water. I then used Tetra AquaSafe Plus I let it run for 1 week then added plants Annubias Java Fern Water Wisteria Narrow Leaf Chain Sword I also added Tetra SafeStart and Blackwater Extract at this time I then let it run for 2...
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    New Tank, looking for some input.

    Hi All, I just setup my first aquarium. I cycled the tank and am very happy with my natural live plant type setup. Only thing I am sad about was that I decided to setup a 10 gallon tank and then after reading MANY websites, it looks like I should have picked a 20 Gallon as my first as it is...
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