Recent content by Emory

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  1. E

    pH issues - keeps wanting to drop

    The tap water tested a little over 8 today, so I have a feeling some of my issues may be due to fluctuations in the tap. I found out that there was a power outage at the treatment station last week and things got a little screwy. I'm also showing about 20ppm of nitrates coming out of the tap...
  2. E

    pH issues - keeps wanting to drop

    I did test my tap water for pH but haven't tested its hardness. I'll try that when I get home tonight. I did leave a cup of tap water sit out to check the stability of its pH, and it was pretty stable overnight. In the meantime I've added small amounts of baking soda throughout the day to try...
  3. E

    pH issues - keeps wanting to drop

    I was lax with my water testing, but I was not lax with my tank maintenance. I changed the water regularly, and since I've started having problems the nitrates have consistently tested at 20 ppm or less.
  4. E

    pH issues - keeps wanting to drop

    Hi guys, I've been dealing with some health problems, and I think I've traced a multitude of problems back to a water chemistry issue. This is a south / central american cichlid tank with a few other tropical semi-aggressive fish (gourami, silver dollars) Before I started having...
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