Recent content by FiReMoUtH_GrL

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  1. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    Well, i fixed my filter. i changed the water 75% as someone suggested, and added a LITTLE bit of salt. Cories aren't reacting bad to it...
  2. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    but alot of people gave me the thumbs up even w/ the cories... + i had added some salt for something else a few hours before my Kisser got ich and they're fine..
  3. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    well... i dont hav goldfish anywhere at the moment, but I do have corys in there with them. Will the corys get affected? :?
  4. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    OMG bless you... you're the ONLY one who has answered any of my posts on different sites! :lol: By the way, i don't have any fish meds in my home right now... What can be the cheapest med I can buy that's good? Can I also use aquarium salt?
  5. F

    HELP! Kissing Gourami has Ick!

    Please help... I just fed them and I noticed that my Kisser has a ton of white spots on his body and fins. I figured it was ick, so I would like to know what I can do to cure him right now.... Should I separate him from the rest of the group? If it truly is ick, how should I treat it? Please...
  6. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    Yes, they are the fish in my tank... except for the oscar. I had him in a 200gal. w/ 5 others which my mom made me sell... :x
  7. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    well, my Opaline isn't fighting with my Dwarf anymore... i'm glad! They actually swim together now! (not chasing each other)
  8. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    Hey ferret... i saw on your signature that you have a 29gal. w/ a kissing gourami, dwarf gourami, and opaline gourami. People on this website and others said that's not possible... the kisser won't fit at all.
  9. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    Yea thats the same thing here. My Kissing gourami & him were the first additions to the community, and they got along great. Until yesterday, I found him chasing my Kisser!
  10. F

    Help with Opaline Gourami Aggression

    I just bought a male Dwarf Powder Blue Gourami & a Emerald Green Cory cat for my tank yesterday, and my Opaline male was chasing them throughout the whole tank continuously! I took him out of the tank for 2 hours to give time for them to establish territory, and rearranged the decor. It worked...
  11. F

    I think my Firemouth has Ich or Lymphocystis

    Thanks... my life can't get any worse! 1st, my firemouth dies, then, the whole county is on fire and my house is BARELY saved! :| 8O
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