
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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University Undergrad in Occupational Health and Safety. Living in Wisconsin, currently unemployed. T

Photography, Fishkeeping, Hiking.
Wisconsin, United States of America
My Tanks
Equipment Marineland 60-gallon fresh water, Eheim 5e 700, Eheim Thermocontrol+ e 200, Tetra AP 150, Fluval Sea CP2, Fluval Plant 3.0. Inhabitants 12 Rummy-nose Tetra, 6 Candy Cane Tetra, 6 Cherry Barb, 6 Boesemani Rainbow, 6 Odessa Barb, 7 Congo Tetra, 5 Mystery Snails, 2 Bristlenose Pleco , 5 swordtails. Plants, Oriental Sword, Amazon Sword, Anubias Nana, Deep Purple Sword Echinodorus, Alternanthera Reineckii, Anubias congensis
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