Recent content by fsparks19

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. F

    Platy females ill-looking

    Dalto, any ideas why it wouldn't affect all of the fish, just a few? :fish1:
  2. F

    Platy females ill-looking

    Thanks Dalto. My nitrate is around 20ppm so it looks like I need to do another water change this weekend. I'll try at least 70% this time. Thank you all so much for taking the time to help me! :blink:
  3. F

    Platy females ill-looking

    Thank you both so much for replying. I will try stress coat and see if that helps my ladies. I definitely need to be more consistent and aggressive with the water changes. May I ask if it seems odd that only 2 out of all of my fish are having issues? perhaps the ladies just aren't as hardy as...
  4. F

    Platy females ill-looking

    I have a 40 gallon tank that has been set up for 7 months. I have an Aquaclear 110 filter running at its highest capacity. I do water changes once a week between 30 & 50%. I currently have (2) female wag tail platys (the 2 that are sick), (1) female panda platy (healthy), (1) male sunburst platy...
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