Recent content by fyrclwn

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  1. F

    Guppy...what to do, what to do?

    yo, folks--i have one tank--one. so seperation is not a possibility, and unless you know of some guppy salt peter, i'm afraid they're gonna breed. as far as deformities--she is the only one (besides the 5 gens ago original) who has/has had any physical problems. no aquarium clubs, nada---LFSs...
  2. F

    ich on my clown loaches

    clowns may be more fragile than dojos & kuhlis, but i have always kept my loaches in a salted environment----however, not the recommended ich treatment dosage....once the ich is gone, you should be able to add aquarium salt to your tank without doing harm to any of the fish at 1 Tablespoon/10...
  3. F

    treatments as bad as cure?

    i have both dojo & kuhli loaches, and have had to treat my tank for ich (due to livebearers)---never had any problems using ich treatments at half-dosage, for twice as long. and i did also keep in my charcoal.....don't know if it helped, but it certainly didn't hurt. my loaches came through...
  4. F

    Guppy...what to do, what to do?

    have an adult female guppy, and i'm in something of a quandry about what to do with her. will need to give you her basic life history, for you to understand my dilemma........ she is of the 5th generation of guppies born in this tank. considering her coloration, i believe her 1st gen...
  5. F

    Khuli Loach survival rate

    oh, if you do try a group of kuhlis, and things work out, don't get freaked if you see what looks like a balloon of skin floating around your tank every once in a while. kuhlis shed their skin as they grow, kinda like snakes. just scoop it out with your net & get rid of it. seems to me my...
  6. F

    Khuli Loach survival rate

    yeah, i saw the pics--looked healthy to me. my kuhli acts like that (the last one) everytime i do a gravel vac--HATES having anything done in the tank! then he goes and does his hermit-in-the-cave thing again till the next time i clean the tank. one thing you might try--if you really want...
  7. F

    Stupid Question(s)

    yeah, got some mollies at Thanksgiving, and as soon as they went into the tank it was orgiastic mayhem! the male mollies and guppies were basically going after anything they could catch! lord knows what i may see in my tank in a couple of weeks! LOL the male molly has settled down, but the...
  8. F

    algae and otos

    otos are excellent at getting rid of the algae that grows on tank glass, and they'll keep the dark green "short" stuff (looks like green velvet on rocks) in check, but they don't do didly for any of the longer, "hairy" species. my spend most of their time either on the side of the tank, or on...
  9. F

    Khuli Loach survival rate

    i agree about the shipping. i bought 3 kuhlis about a year died about 3 months later, the 2nd died about 4 months after that. the third is doing fine. i think kuhlis are a lot like otos---if they actually survive the transition into your tank, then they've got a fighting chance of...
  10. F

    Stocking Q

    always keep the tank salted---has never been a problem for the loaches.....thought it might be, so did a LOT of research on the buggers before doing it, but consensus seems to be the "standard" dose of aquarium salt is fine. i probably could use a bit more with a livebearer-only tank, though...
  11. F

    Water Change After Medication

    the 2 kuhlis who did the fade died, alas. 1 about 9 months ago, the second about 4 months ago. no signs of illness before fading, or among any of their tankmates. right before dying---like the last couple of minutes---they started having trouble swimming, then seemed to be convulsing, then...
  12. F

    Stocking Q

    my main reason for not using the 10 gal as a QT-- my only use for it would be as holding tank for new fish, and with mostly livebearers, i rarely add new fish--replacements for non-livebearers who die of old-age (1 betta, 2 kuhli loaches) or disease (1 betta, 2 mollies in 1 year) are pretty...
  13. F

    Stocking Q

    am contemplating setting up my 10 gal again (upgraded to a 20 last year, and the 10's just been gathering dust, more or less), and am going nuts trying to decide how to stock it. my options: 1---move livebearers (mollies & guppies) to 10 gal, have the 20 be betta & loaches only (kuhli & dojo)...
  14. F

    Betta Compatibility

    my bettas have always lived with guppies & mollies without problem--i think the male guppies become a problem if there isn't enough space (like in a 5 or less gal tank), or there aren't any hiding places (caves, rock formations, etc.). however, i have never had any guppy/betta violence in...
  15. F

    Water Change After Medication

    fingers crossed on the Maracyn 2. : / my "old man" betta died of dropsy a couple of weeks ago (tried Jungle, then M-2...he put up a heck of a fight, but....), then a couple of mollies went down with fish bladder disease right after Thanksgiving, so decided to do a full-tank treatment to get rid...
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