Recent content by gafights

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  1. gafights

    Shark Tank

    You will not have any issues with a coral catshark or a whitespotted bamboo shark in a 300 gallon as long you don't cover the tank with live rock. You are going need massive filtration though because these bad boys are filthy. They will also flip any live rock you have stacked nice and pretty...
  2. gafights

    For Sale: Adult white spotted bamboo shark for sale

    I am looking to sell my adult white spotted bamboo shark. I have two males and they started fighting with each other on a regular basis. So unfortunately I had to remove one. I am located just south of Atlanta Georgia. He is almost full-grown at 27 inches and ready to breed. He tried breeding...
  3. gafights

    Cat Shark!

    I have since had an issue with my starfish eating all of the mushroom corals in the tank and the sharks toppling most of the rock causing me to rearrange. And just when everything was perfect I added a powder blue tang that infected my tank with Brooklynella. I lost everything except the...
  4. gafights

    Cat Shark!

    Here is a video from youtube. This was taken about 8-9 months ago.
  5. gafights

    Cat Shark!

    I house five sharks in a 7ft x 7ft x 3ft tank. Bio load is ridiculous. My filtration is a 300 gallon sump with. Carbon and phosphate reactor. Two 1000 gallon skimmers. Uv filter. Enough matrix to filter the ocean. I change 120 gallons of water a week and my nitrates stay around 20-30 and...
  6. gafights

    300 gal shark tank advice

    Agreed. Space is a must with sharks.
  7. gafights

    something tells me that shark is not reef safe

    I house three bamboo sharks with a few low light corals. But you have to make sure that rocks are secured because they move what they want to move.
  8. gafights

    Api vs seachem vs salifert

    Salifert between 50-60 Those are the results
  9. gafights

    Api vs seachem vs salifert

    Just a review for anyone comparing the three test against each other.
  10. gafights

    Api vs seachem vs salifert

    Have been battling high nitrates for about four months now. After cleaning out the seachem matrix in the sump. Doing 150 gallon (15%) water changes every week. Changing out floss pads every two days and running an aquaripure denitrator, two Aqua c ev-1000 skimmers a uv starlllizer and...
  11. gafights

    Noob Wants a Shark Tank!

    You may be able to get my with a 180 gallon but it will be a water changing nightmare and you will be miserable. The money you save on the tank. You will end up spending on maintenance to keep the water clean. The shark wont like it much either.
  12. gafights

    Noob Wants a Shark Tank!

    Shark Species I would Recommend: Coral Cat Shark - Max Size 2ft - Probably the easiest to care for) Hallstrom's Bamboo Shark - Max Size 2ft (Hard to find but worth it. Extremely Small at Birth 5-6 inches) Tank Size: MINIMUM but I would Recommend bigger 5ft x 3ft x 2ft = 225 Gallons Tank...
  13. gafights

    For Sale: Lights skimmer and skimate super locker

    Here is the Craigslist link to what I have.
  14. gafights

    Noob Wants a Shark Tank!

    Sharks are the easiest of all the marine animals I currently have Three things make sharks expert only. Cost of ownership. Size of tank. Filtration. Certain sharks will require a round tank most will not. You will need for the easiest of all sharks a coral cat shark you will need the...
  15. gafights


    I currently own three sharks Coral cat shark would require the smallest tank of what I have. The gallons matter but not as much as the floor space. For a coral cat to live forever I would recommend at least 5-6ft long by 3ft wide. The height does not matter. My current tank is 1000...
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