Recent content by Gillbert225

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  1. G

    Question about Stunting and Adding New Fish

    I have a cycled tank, ammonia and nitrite = 0, nitrate under 40 ppm. I change between 1/4-1/3 of my tank (not sure how many gallons that is, just took a ruler to the side of the tank and drew marks for 1/3 and 1/4 from where I keep my water level normally. I had been bad about water changes for...
  2. G

    Question about Stunting and Adding New Fish

    yes, including tail. He grew to this size this past August, when he was still in the ten gallon and I transferred him into the 55, he hasn't grown since then.
  3. G

    Question about Stunting and Adding New Fish

    I have a comet goldfish, who for his first year lived in a 10 gallon tank, which has stunted him to 4 inches in length. He now lives in a 55 gallon tank but hasn't grown any in six months. My first question is will his organs be crushed from the inside because of stunted growth? It's never been...
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