
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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I research a lot

Reef aquarium, football, baseball, gym
My Tanks
60 gallon reef tank with 20 gallon refugium
70 pounds of Live Rock
1 Purple Tang(4 inches), 1 Flame Angel(2 inches), 1 yellow watchman goby(small), about 20 blue legg hermit crabs, about 5-10 snails, one reddish chocolate star fish, 2 cleaner shrimp, bluish xenias, lots of green and orange polyps, 1 frogspawn, 7 carpet mushroom, 1 nudibranch, 1 red chili, 1 orangish shell looking hard coral(DSB,Macroalgae-the fishing string looking type), Berlin Protein Skimmer- upto 250 gallons(on tank), Circulation-1 hydor koralia 1(400gph each) pump, 2 hydor koralia 2(600gph each)
Midwest Aquatic Sulfur Denitrifier(1 week old-reporting 0 ppm nitrate at the outlet)(around 40 ppm in tank), Lighting-2 150 watt 20000 degrees K Metal Halides
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