Recent content by GodPhoenix

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    First week

    I don't know the name of this plant. It has flowers on it now. Is there a place i can learn more about it?
  2. G

    First week

  3. G

    First week

    Thank you
  4. G

    First week

    Today was first day that the ammonia is at zero. I took the rest of the tests and they are High ph 8.4 Ph 7.6 Nitrate 5.0 Nitrite 5.0 I looked to see online about next steps. it talks about them but they concentrate more on ammonia. What should i do and look for?
  5. G

    First week

    i did a 24L partial. It's at the same color. The green is the water in the tank after change and the yellow is tap water.
  6. G

    First week

    Thank you
  7. G

    First week

    Today i stopped by the pet store because it was the same as the one they sold me, they ended giving me credit. I talked with the guy for a while. He basically said the same thing. I ended getting from him a piece something that he took out from behind one of his filters and said to put it behind...
  8. G

    First week

    A week ago i got a fish 20 gal tank. Set it up and ran it for a day. Had the local fish store test the water. It was all good. Got 5 neon tetra, 3 tall plants and 4 small plants. I read on here the importance of testing water so i ordered off of amizon api master test kit. First it said i was...
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