
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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My Tanks
Josiah's tank has 1 golden dojo loach, 4 comet goldfish, 1 common goldfish, peppered Cory catfish. Planted with Anacharis, Marimo mossball and frill plant (Myrio-green).

My bedroom tank is a glo-tank and has 2 apple snails, 1 golden loach, a rainbow shark and the star a crown-tail betta. Has a stalk of Anacharis and a stalk of frill plant.

My shrimp tank is a planted tank with Anacharis, frill plant and moneywort. It is set up mainly to breed my shrimp and snails (which I don't yet know the species).


I have 3 tanks so far not sure how many to go at least 2 more in the works. Man this is addicting.


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