Recent content by Goldie1

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    New O.o

    Hmmm... If it is for fresh, I still would have to buy parts and learn how to deal with a new setup. I think it's best for me to keep it simple. I've got this floss and sponge stuff under control!
  2. G

    New O.o

    Thanks! But I don't think I'm ready for salt water! I'm just watching for regular cheap tanks with their filters. Then I can split up the piggies. It's garage sale season, I'm sure I'll find other tanks to give me more time to find a pond.
  3. G

    New O.o

    Never mind. I didn't get it. I'll wait for something with an instruction manual or someone to help set it up.
  4. G

    New O.o

    Collection tank*
  5. G

    New O.o

    It comes with that collection tape, an L shaped tube from the main aquarium to a square section in the corner, and a bag full of keys, plastic rifled rings, and another hard tube with a rubber bulb syringe attached. I only have a couple hours to decide if it's worth buying!
  6. G

    New O.o

    Quick response please! So, after changing water constantly, and patiently waiting, my boss' pond fell through. I got an offer from my aunt for her pond, but she brings dozens of goldfish indoors over winter into a 55 gal, so I didn't think that was any healthier. But I found this thing at a...
  7. G

    New O.o

    I hope she got herself sprayed in the process.
  8. G

    New O.o

    No fish fatality yet! But pretty darn close when i stepped in a puddle of water the other morning.
  9. G

    New O.o

    When I switched on the hood this morning, I thought the fish looked a little more active than normal. I went ahead and fed them. Now I notice that all of them are chasing around a big one. Every single other fish is swimming in tight next to him as he tries to get away. They sometimes nip at his...
  10. G

    New O.o

    9/9 fish have survived a whole 4 weeks! Very little fish or water drama, but the stand cracked down the middle! And I removed a piece of tape from the rim of the aquarium that was apparently hiding a leak. Now the tank is on the floor, but a steel stand is being made (it's good to have family...
  11. G

    New O.o

    Good! We like peas! :) Hopefully I don't need to use dye. That sounds messy!
  12. G

    New O.o

    Ok. No potato then. I know that mammal hemoglobin needs iron to carry oxygen. I figured the fish would be similar, but I've never studied fish erythrocytes. I just wanted them to have the highest oxygen capacity possible while they're partially clogged by nitrites. But they love their peas...
  13. G

    New O.o

    The tap water is good besides some ammonia. I don't know why the nitrite values aren't lowering with the water changes. Maybe it's the cheap test strip. Hopefully the big kit has better sensitivity and accuracy. I'll add better conditioner to my list too. If it's a hemoglobin problem, I'll try...
  14. G

    New O.o

    I spoke too soon! I have some sort of mystery suffocation. In effort to try and lower those pesky nitrites, I did a 15 gallon followed by a 10 gallon change yesterday morning (this is a 30g tank). Now today I've got all sorts of air gulping going on, and the cheap dipstick shows the same color...
  15. G

    New O.o

    Two weeks and everybody seems content. Except the sore gill one, but he's improving. Ammonia is so light that the green I see could just be a trick of the light. My nitrites are bothering me still; they're 1.0 before and after water changes. I'm thinking that since the only filtering these guys...
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