Recent content by gumball

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    Dead Filter...

    If you plan on doin this fish and plant hobby for a while, I completely agree with everyone here, swallow the pill get an eheim classic and never turn back, they are a quiet workhorse that is reliable and dependable
  2. G

    Need some help deciding what to use for ferts

    The ones i got from nilocg last month for the pps dosing are not pre measured so i can customize it however i want to. Its seriously wicked easy.
  3. G

    Need some help deciding what to use for ferts

    I say ditto on the pps ftom nilocg.. doing awesome in my co2/ high light tank!
  4. G

    Slime, Fungus, Algae, or Bacteria?

    And the only reason i say change the water until ammmonia is 0.5- 1 is to have some there for the bacteria to feed from so it cycles.
  5. G

    Slime, Fungus, Algae, or Bacteria?

    With a ph that low it is difficult for the tank to complete the cycle. I would first check your tap water or whatever source you are using for the water. If the ph out of the tap is low then you are going to need to add something to raise it slightly with each water change. If the ammonia out of...
  6. G

    Would a 20g tank be too much for a betta?

    My beta is in a 20 tall heavily planted tank with a large school of 11 harlequin rasboras and some cory cats, and assassin and pond snails and everyone leaves each other alone and everyone is happy, been that way for 6 months now.
  7. G

    Nano planted 2.5 gallon cube need ideas

    I would inject some co2 into that bad boy, you could do some awesome plants in there since the light will be a bit bright for java fern and moss .. always wanted a tiny planted kingdom for some blue shimps..
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