Recent content by Gungud10

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  1. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    But leave both 10k and actinic running all day together right?
  2. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    So turn the actinic on an hour before the 10k and leave it on an hour after the 10k? Now this cube has 3 LED moon lights. What are these good for??
  3. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    Do I leave the 10000k and actinic lights running all day together?
  4. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    Yes I seem the nanotuners mod. And will get it. But I'm confused as to what exactly it is. Is it just another bulb assembly? And what bulbs should it be?
  5. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    The lighting I have now is just the stock lighting for the bio cube. It's two bulbs. Idk what size or output. But one is actinic and the other is full spectrum white. And moon light LEDs. The booklet it came with said it's perfect for corals but doesn't specify which type which is why I'm here...
  6. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    So you're saying I can't have like a nem with the lighting I have now? I seen the nanotuners light mod. It's not cheap. But would get if it is necessary. I read good reviews on it. Also, should I go with live sand or coral rubble? Or a mix of both?
  7. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    Fish only with live rock??
  8. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    I'm sorry but what is FOWLR? noob to abbreviations :/
  9. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    I want corals! What kinds!? How do I upgrade my lighting??
  10. G

    29g Biocube... Any suggestions?

    So I got a brand new biocube 29 gal for $80. I know, cheap, don't ask lol. Anyway, wondering what I should do with it. I want alot of color. And originality. I don't want a replica of the finding nemo cast haha. Anyone have any suggestions?
  11. G

    New to reef/salt...HELP!

    I can use the shrimp method with LS and LR correct??
  12. G

    New to reef/salt...HELP!

    How long would it take if I went the dead shrimp route?
  13. G

    New to reef/salt...HELP!

    Now how do I know that it's done cycling?
  14. G

    New to reef/salt...HELP!

    Ok so I'm not comfortable with throwing a dead shrimp into my tank. I heard you can cycle it with just live rock and live sand and only takes about 2 weeks. Is that true?
  15. G

    New to reef/salt...HELP!

    Also I was looking into dwarf seahorses. Anyone have any thoughts?
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